Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I wish we were holes!!! I really do wish we were all holes!!! Not glorified ***holes seemingly admirable yet our stench, unbearable from mediocrity & "good enough attitude" but rather, like holes on the earth.

Have you ever considered the earth's hole unlike other things which deplete when taken from, they increase? They become darker, deeper, wider, and more dangerous whenever you take from them.

I wish we were holes - drenched with determination’s sweat, oozing smell of productivity and advancement. Holes having thirsty wills in the driest of life’s desert, springing forth oasis of fruitfulness in no distant time.

Come against them with a fleet of mediocre armies & they’ll annihilate you with a handful of passionate peasants. Throw obstacles and challenges their way and they'll become bigger, stronger & fight even more fiercly.

Holes with just one creed: “until my good is better, and my better, best”.