Sunday, January 4, 2015


Are you out of your mind? Leaving??? I yelled hoping he never did... 

Today I replay that moment every night for the past 6 months
I feel like strangling her every time I see her: forgiveness a distant mile away
I dine in my sobs and eat gravel-bread of bitterness - I pray for grace to let go
The “over” word still hurts knowing he later got married to my best friend.

Taking a bow...

Mild, yet a wild beast I dread; devouring its prey without even a growl
Tempted to choose hell as against battling the attempt to make my life a living hell
Of what essence or what gain if I'm to die while trying to make a living
Bills to pay boss to face, striving hard yet, a victim of being singled out
How much is the cost of my joy or what can I exchange for acceptance?

Wishing there was a miracle...

It wasn't her birthday yet she was trending on my BBM contacts
Every single update I saw triggered an outburst of rage and tears
Show yourself you coward, I dare you to come as a man - fist for fist
You showed no known signs during our courtship, nor honeymoon
Now the snitch that you are, you came for my wife and unborn child - Cancer.

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