Saturday, September 26, 2015


What if our hearts are made of glass; whatever the color, size or state - good or bad; and everyone can see through it? Amazingly; only God sees the intent of every man’s heart at every time.

What if our hearts are made of glass & we don’t have to depend on tell-tale puzzles of words and actions? Amazingly; the mastery of hypocrisy makes the puzzle a mission impossible.

What if our hearts are made of glass & we embrace a brand new world were less words will be spoken to convince each other? Amazingly; words now have become insufficient for convinction.

What if our hearts are made of glass & we can see when it is cracked or broken and needs fixing? Amazingly, the presence of our bodies does not always signify our hearts are with it.

What if our hearts are not made of glass but our intents, words, actions and the unity of our hearts and bodies were? Amazingly amazing is what our relationships & society will become.

Not just to yourself but others... strive to be true.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Worlds and Opposite

Case: We learned words and opposite in our primary education. I realize today it cuts into everyday life. For example, we find ourselves amidst people and feel a shrill of loneliness. Other times, we are all by ourselves yet can't sleep because a lot is going on in our hearts and lives.

Antidote: Life is a battle of words. Let our words (convictions) be opposite to our worlds and we will find strength and resilience to rise above our mountains.

Action Step: Finding your words in God's word