Monday, January 24, 2011


Hills supported by sills
Bills, a better part of lives will
Fill's been through the mill
Pills, all out for the kill
Chills gone, here's the twill:

'Making riches in poverty's winepress'
'Strengthened in weakness bosom'
'Victory; knocked down by failure'
'Maturity; measured by childishness'
'Beauty; ascertained by a blindfold'
'Glory; in the dirt of abasement'
'Love; guilty of affection's murder';
The Scroll, almost endless...

Woven into a tapestry of love's fabric,
we are provided with a couch to soothe
life's aching distress and burdensome load.

Twills Golden Rule; ...confounded by foolish things.

Momma's Fist

There was very little difference between her fist and her womb while I announced my arrival into this world.

Sailing over to life's preceding phase, I felt it slightly clenched, driving away follies flies hovering the naivety of my mind's wound.

Several miles away from the crossroad of adulthood, I felt her fist reinforced with pre-cast steel. Dishing me many blows, I couldn't accept the fact that she was my biological mother...

So many years have gone by, keeping us great distant apart...
'get the blankets off over you...'
'It’s getting late, go home...'
'Go back and apologize...'
'I think you're crossing over the edge...'
Yet; I feel momma's fist even harder on me, MY WILL.


What a lovely healthy looking baby! All the mothers chattered. Indeed he was deserving of the prize.

Beautiful coloured dimpled smile canvassed the mother's face as lovely comments was made, under the scrutiny of admiration over the child, from one mother to another.

With a sonorous voice like that of the nightingale, she sang while changing his pampers. Kicking with both hands and legs, you would wonder if he's senses was well developed to pick the praises showered on him by his mother.

Ke ke ke ke... his tiny voice sounded in laughter having released a very loud fart. The hall reverberated with echoed laughter... 'He just cracked a joke' a yonng doctor said and the hall went wild, striking different notes of laughter's rhythm.

'mummy, it's an involuntary expultion of intestinal gas'. Another smack, colliding with his chubby buttocks. 'ouch! but maaaaaa' he cried with tear patched voice.

'fifteen years ago, this very same act turned the hall wild and a doctor said you just cracked a joke. You were the first to laugh, cuing everyone into that mood. The tide of time has changed and discipline, is a life-guard to all involuntary actions because with age comes great responsibility'.

Life would smack you all the more when you don't master involuntary actions: lies, too much sleep, food, talk, excessive indulgence, et cetera.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Help me, I think im loosing my mind.
Tried times without number to clear my head but all to no avail.
Appearing live, my heart race, in absence, my thought strays, I really wish I could stay.

Moving still, she caught me and kissed me. Her seducting touch, too hard to resist. Drowning slowly in her temples, I was too weak to grab something to hold on to.

Church folks, too preoccupied to see my violent gasp for air.
Guardians, on a hot pursuit to have the next meal on the table.
Friends, out for some air, perspiring from career's steam.

All started by a glass of crush on sin, who led me surfing to lusts garden. Offering me obssession's apple, my life became dark. Having gone too far, I couldn't see the torch rays of my conscience; neither could I hear the shrieking sound of his whistle.Then the big question came quietly, as I closed my eyes in death; 'where are you?'.

Down in the grave, all hope indeed was lost. Wailing and gnashing, raising a lament. With fleeting breath, I muttered a plea for mercy. Then He showed up with the key of life to unlock death's shakles.

Plunged in a jacuzzi filled with the Lamb's blood, I later proceeded for supper. I found on the table the Bread of life and the living water that i may not thirst for the crush of sin anymore.

Now i'm out in the streets beckoning on all to come out from Crush's bar and her broad way which leads to death's dead end; to meet the One sitting by the Well.

Momma's Fist

There was very little difference between her fist and her womb
while i announced my arrival into this world.

Sailing over to life's preceeding phase, i felt  it slightly clenched,
driving away folly's flies hovering the naivity of my mind's wound.

Several miles away from the crossroad of adulthood, i felt her fist
reinforced with pre-cast steel. Dishing me many blows. I couldn't
accept the fact that she was my biological mother...

Somany years have gone by, keeping us great distant apart...
'get the blankets off over you...'
'it's getting late, go home...'
'go back and appologise...'
'i think you're crossing over the edge...'
Yet; i feel momma's fist even harder on me, MY WILL.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Everyone gave way as I made my way through.
I beheld something beautiful from afar but couldn’t go close cos i knew i was no match.

So much laughter filled the air from the kids at the other side: smiles as charming as rose colored petals; worries seemed extinct amidst them.

While sulking, i decided to throw Pity a party in commemoration of how terrible i felt with myself. No sooner, a host of other kids came over to dine at Pity's party.

Touching some other kids by my side, i wasn’t too sure who was been beckoned. Like one growing out from the desert soil, i was dry and scaly having numerous scalp of pride on my head.

Including me? I asked with inaudible words, touching my chest. Moving with reluctant steps, fleas made it even more difficult, as they clustered the decaying wound of sins on my legs.

All other kids ran towards Him. Receiving them lovingly as well as the kids on the other side, He motioned towards me.

Few steps away from me, He stooped right in front of me with arms wide stretched.

Ceaseless tears ran down my cheek as i moved closer into His warm embrace. With the most charming smile on His cheek, showing no iota of disgust, i heard His tender voice calling my name, saying 'I’ve missed you my son.

'All this while I’ve waited for you, it grieved my heart when your pride turned away your face from my direction. Times when u were fast asleep, i came sobbing by your side hoping you'll realize im your father. You spat on my face, walking out on me when you decided to let the world dictate and influence your thoughts and actions. In spite of all these, I forgave you and love you with an everlasting love'.

In brokenness and a contrite spirit, i said 'Dad, I’m really sorry. Take away my cloak of pride, and heal me from sin's decaying wound. Grant me your grace to live uprightly and to tell and show the whole world what your love is worth.
Now I've proven beyond reasonable doubt that you are indeed the LOVER AND SAVIOUR OF THE WHOLE WORLD and to this I say; MAICETO, NA GODE.


Dead silence! Blurred streaks of light squeezed itself through the thick clouds.
Journeying through the dark, He could feel the dew rest gently on Him.
Few steps away from His destination, He continued humming praise melodies in appreciation to His Father.
His knees hit the floor at the other side of the shore as He communed with His Father.
“…neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more”
“…she’s not dead, she’s sleeping…”
“…if you drink from this water, you’ll never thirst again…”
“…my time has not yet come…”
Perfect timing, perfect place, perfect act, perfect knowledge as well as many others, were all triggered at the solitary place; having woken up a great while before dawn, to receive His daily bread from our Father.
Are you suffering from disturbia, leading to an uncoordinated life full of mistakes and indecision? Here’s an antidote: isolate yourself and sit at the Master’s feet to receive, be nourished, and strengthened by Him.


What an amazing edifice created after His image and His likeness.
Considering the works of His hand, He was extremely delighted at our creation, which was a grand perfection of beauty.
Like a hen brooding over her chicks, He guarded us jealously, until we took His love with little regards.
Our wickedness waxed great and every inclination of the thoughts of our hearts was perpetually evil.
Feel the tears running down his cheeks, the Sovereign was grieved and His heart was overwhelmed with pain.
Having pronounced a verdict to utterly wipe out mankind from earth’s surface and all therein, His verdict was reverted by one to whom found favor in His sight.
Having smelt the pleasing aroma from the pure sacrifice offered unto Him, He made a proclamation saying “for as long as the earth remains, seedtime & harvest, cold & heat, summer & winter, day & night, will never cease”.


So calm and reserved she looked, gorgeously dressed in an angelic gown.
The hall went silent as she took gentle strides down the hall.
Multiple thoughts clutter their minds as their gaze became her spot light.
Excelling in beauty, she succeeded in proving wrong; ‘the beautiful ones are not yet born’, as she motioned to the seat reserved for her.
Boisterous waves of trauma kept hitting the shores of her mind.
Like shredded beef, her emotions kept falling apart the whole while.
All the men wished they had her as a bride; the young ladies wished they traded her beauty for just a moment.
An epitome of splendor, one could infer; but little did they know their “icon” was a victim of incest, dejection, shame, and abuse.
Reading through their mind by the obvious admiration on her, she shook her head in self pity muttering unspoken words “if only they knew what laid behind the angelic gown and captivating beauty”.