Saturday, November 13, 2010


The presenters all had their slides prepared as the Board of Directors sat at the different venues for presentation.

The quarterly statistics, demand, prospective markets, adverts, the effectiveness of the new improvements... et al, was displayed with each passing beam from the slides. Nodding in agreement, they affirmed it was indeed an improved product.

There was a standing ovation when the new label was unveiled...
Merry! Merry! Merry! Filled the hall accompanied the clinging sounds of wine glasses. Pausing for a moment, I nodded my head in retrospect.

Walking to the balcony, I fixed my gaze unto the setting sun and thought about the only detergent that needs no improvements; washing stains no existing detergent could ever do.

My knees hit the floor. Sobbing quietly, these words could not but spill out of my heart: 'born into this world, the stain of sin splashed on the fabric of my heart. I searched throughout the globe for the best of detergents. Even the improved ones prove abortive; not until I met you. A tiny drop of Christ's blood detergent, into the water of the living word, thoroughly cleansed the fabric of my heart from the worst know stain ever, making it whiter than snow. What a true detergent it is -- all through ages, there havent been and would never be any need for improvement as a result of inefficiency.

oh precious is that flow, that made me white as snow, no other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.


A BLANK SHEET! What could anyone barely make of that?
Then the journey began into the world. Like a quest in search of a white rose, your determination was to obtain the price.
On and on you strode on the path, as trail blazers, your determination was directed towards the goal.
Down the hill seemed effortless as we started out. Getting to the valley, we experienced tonnes of mixed feelings and reactions; sometimes up & other times, down.
Sad moments, disagreements, envy, individuality, compromise, name it; were our lots, as we went uphill.
Alas, your glorious moment. Many fell apart, others turned around, but here you are, face-to-face with the BAMBOO of your long embarked pursuit.
Carefully, you carved the tip of your bamboos, transforming it to a calligraphy pen.
With hard-earned experience of togetherness, you purchased a GOLD INK.
Reaching out to the blank sheets of our hearts, the carved pen of our individual differences and the GOLD INK of our treasured moments, you inscribed a legacy of love in our hearts.
The first expressly saying “WE’LL MISS YOU
The second solemnly saying “YOU’LL ALWAYS REMAIN IN OUR HEARTS           
And finally, with assured hope, it simply says; “MAY HIS PEACE BE WITH YOU, TILL WE MEET AGAIN”.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


His heart raced when it was only few hours away.
Crouching from the burden of agony, He groaned from the reality of being left alone.

On the platter of negotiating the desire of having the cup passed, He was strengthened by one who excelled in strength.

Rising up from the hollow ground dug by His sweat's claws, He moved as one whose loins have been girded with compassion; putting on the amour of sacrifice.

So much a burden, His Trade materials: the hammer, the nails, and the log; impressed on Him as He journeyed the distant hills of SKULLS to Death's residence.

His white wool; skinned from numerous stripes,
His gentle head; pierced with thorny crown,
His tender limbs; nailed to the log, yet; His soft voice spoke no guile but in despair, saying 'Father forgive them, for they know not what they do'.

Murdered by His trade, the Lamb of God is raised; seated at the right hand of His Loving Father gaining many sons unto glory.

Now I can gladly say.... 'it is finished'.


Tried in a panel, i saw a man elevated amidst a large audience, given an opportunity to be heard.
A worker in a vineyard yet, deprived from its grapes and wine thereof.
Naked and cold, hungry and thirsty, yet a tenderer of sheeps; denied of the flocks wool & the refrehing milk thereof.
A death treaty he signed, being enlisted as a member in the army, yet his treatment and welfare was borne by the shoulders of his labour.
Beautiful and faithful sisters in the congregation, yet rumour arose as regarding his right to take part in an ordinance instituted by God.
Muzzled for long hours bearing both heavy and light yokes, yet working ceaselessly, treading out the grains.
Deprived of all known rights and legal entitlements, yet not pleaing for even the littlest of them -- all in a bid for the prize.
'I'll rather die than have anyone deprive me of the boast of becoming a slave' he said without compromise.
Challenged by his testimony, i could not but pray saying 'Father, help me not to be disqualified for the prize'.